Legal Representation For Stopping Foreclosure
When facing the possibility of having your home foreclosed or a trustee sale, you want to make certain that the correct actions are taken to prevent the foreclosure from going forward. Generally, you are already facing substantial debt when foreclosure actions are taking place. Finding the best possible option for dealing with that debt can often prevent you from losing your home.
The Law Offices of Mark A. Zimmerman can provide you with legal representation for stopping foreclosure. Lawyer Zimmerman can provide you with realistic solutions for dealing with your foreclosure problem.
Deciding What Options To Pursue When Facing Foreclosure
When attempting to stop foreclosure or put an end to liens placed upon your property by creditors, you will require more than temporary measures. While an order placing a holding upon a foreclosure action could postpone this action for up to three extra months, many holdings upon a foreclosure will only give you an extra week. With so little time to act, an understanding of all of your options is therefore extremely important.
Bankruptcy can sometimes be used as a tool to prevent a mortgage foreclosure from taking place. However, the decision concerning the type of bankruptcy that needs to be filed when facing a foreclosure is dependent on your individual circumstances. It’s important to make the right choice. A Chapter 13 filing, for example, may allow you to negotiate a better means for paying off your debt. However, while Chapter 13 bankruptcy may provide you the ability to better manage your debt payments, this option will not put an end to the debt. If the debt payments are overwhelming, you may instead wish to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Attorney Mark Zimmerman is knowledgeable about all your legal options. His nearly two decades of experience as an attorney in this area have provided him with a great understanding of California rules and regulations pertaining to bankruptcy, dischargeable debt and the rights of homeowners facing foreclosure. He can put together a strategy that will keep you and your family in your home.
Contact Us Today
The Law Offices of Mark A. Zimmerman can be reached by calling 559-702-6995.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.